Everyone assumes that Japan is lightyears ahead of the West when it comes to mobile phones, even if the gap's narrower than it used to be. But new statistics released by analysis firm ComScore appear to bear out the theory that Japanese mobile users are more advanced than us Europeans.
The research claims that in June this year, almost as many people accessed the internet via a mobile device there as through a work or home PC (the exact figures are 53.6 million and 53.7 million respectively). The same report reveals that Japanese mobile users spend on average 8.1 hours a month surfing on their phones. 8.1 hours!
Meanwhile, 80% of Japanese people have taken a photo using their mobile, while 40% have used their hanset's barcode reader (ah, yes, that's something they are ahead in), while the most popular types of mobile internet usage are (in order): email (75% of users), news/information (52%), and search/navigation (51%).
(via MocoNews)